Photo Pro 4: High Country Trees
High Country Trees - Photo Pro Volume 4 by Josepha Haveman (Wayzata Technology) (1998).iso
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Welcome to Photo Pro Volume 4 high country Trees.
This provides a list of the file names and descriptions.
PC FileName Description
autumn_a autumn aspen:
aspen_cl.TIF aspen cluster.TIFF
aspen_fo.TIF aspen forest.TIFF
aspen_pa.TIF aspen patch.TIFF
aspen_tr.TIF aspen trunk.TIFF
autumn_a.TIF autumn aspen.TIFF
golden_a.TIF golden aspen.TIFF
shimmeri.TIF shimmering aspen.TIFF
small_as.TIF small aspen.TIFF
young_as.TIF young aspen.TIFF
conifers conifers:
cedar_ba.TIF cedar bark.TIFF
close_pi.TIF close pine.TIFF
coast_pi.TIF coast pines.TIFF
conifero.TIF coniferous forest.TIFF
green_co.TIF green cones on pine.TIFF
large_pi.TIF large pine.TIFF
Monterey.TIF Monterey pine.TIFF
new_pine.TIF new pine cones.TIFF
pine_bar.TIF pine bark w moss.TIFF
pine_con.TIF pine cones and twigs.TIFF
pine_wit.TIF pine with moss.TIFF
pines_at.TIF pines at roadcut.TIFF
plateau_.TIF plateau w conifers.TIFF
redwoods.TIF redwoods.TIFF
single_p.TIF single pine on hill.TIFF
tall_lon.TIF tall lone pine.TIFF
tiny_pin.TIF tiny pine cones.TIFF
twin_con.TIF twin conifers.TIFF
twin_see.TIF twin seedling firs.TIFF
valley_w.TIF valley w conifers.TIFF
end_of_l end of life-cycle:
back_to_.TIF back to the soil.TIFF
close_to.TIF close to the ground.TIFF
cones_an.TIF cones and sticks.TIFF
dead_bra.TIF dead branches.TIFF
dead_twi.TIF dead twin trees.TIFF
down_and.TIF down and out.TIFF
dying_mt.TIF dying mtn pine.TIFF
dying_pi.TIF dying pine.TIFF
dying_st.TIF dying stand.TIFF
end_of_t.TIF end of the trees.TIFF
fallen_t.TIF fallen timber.TIFF
final_st.TIF final stage.TIFF
gray_bra.TIF gray branches.TIFF
mulching.TIF mulching away.TIFF
old_cone.TIF old cones.TIFF
old_down.TIF old downed timber
old_fall.TIF old fallen wood.TIFF
old_pine.TIF old pine limbs.TIFF
rotten_t.TIF rotten trunk.TIFF
uprooted.TIF uprooted.TIFF
weathere.TIF weathered sticks.TIFF
wood_bor.TIF wood borers.TIFF
live_oak live oaks:
branch_o.TIF branch over rock.TIFF
Calif._o.TIF Calif. oak scene.TIFF
early_li.TIF early light on hills.TIFF
enshroud.TIF enshrouded oaks.TIFF
fallen_o.TIF fallen oak at dusk.TIFF
hills_in.TIF hills in fog.TIFF
live_oak.TIF live oaks on slope.TIFF
morning_.TIF morning mist.TIFF
Mt_Diabl.TIF Mt Diablo road.TIFF
oak_fore.TIF oak forest.TIFF
oak_w_li.TIF oak w lichen.TIFF
oaks_on_.TIF oaks on Mt Diablo.TIFF
old_oaks.TIF old oaks on slope.TIFF
round_hi.TIF round hill.TIFF
tree_w_m.TIF tree w mistletoe.TIFF
twisting.TIF twisting branches.TIFF
two_live.TIF two live oaks.TIFF
logging_ logging effects:
abandone.TIF abandoned logs.TIFF
cracked_.TIF cracked cut log.TIFF
cross_se.TIF cross section.TIFF
cut_fore.TIF cut forest.TIFF
cut_logs.TIF cut logs.TIFF
cut_up_f.TIF cut up forest.TIFF
disturbe.TIF disturbed forest.TIFF
hollow_l.TIF hollow log.TIFF
huge_cut.TIF huge cut log.TIFF
log_cros.TIF log crossection.TIFF
new_sequ.TIF new sequoia stump.TIFF
old_cut_.TIF old cut stump.TIFF
old_tree.TIF old tree stump.TIFF
ravaged_.TIF ravaged forest.TIFF
rotten_l.TIF rotten log.TIFF
rotting_.TIF rotting log.TIFF
savaged_.TIF savaged woods.TIFF
sequoia_.TIF sequoia stump.TIFF
stump_an.TIF stump and sawdust.TIFF
stump_in.TIF stump in clearing.TIFF
torn_up_.TIF torn up forest.TIFF
very_old.TIF very old logs.TIFF
mountain mountain tree scenes:
chipped_.TIF chipped bark.TIFF
flooded_.TIF flooded dead forest.TIFF
floodedf.TIF floodedforest.TIFF
flooding.TIF floodingmtn forest.TIFF
forest_t.TIF forest trail.TIFF
forested.TIF forested mtn valley.TIFF
fungus_o.TIF fungus on bark.TIFF
gold_amo.TIF gold among green.TIFF
high_mtn.TIF high mtn vista.TIFF
holly.TI.TIF holly.TIFF
mntn_for.TIF mntn forest w river.TIFF
mtn_mixe.TIF mtn mixed forest.TIFF
red_berr.TIF red berry tree.TIFF
shadows_.TIF shadows on meadow.TIFF
trees_in.TIF trees in riverbed.TIFF
wooded_m.TIF wooded mtn view.TIFF